Johnny and Willow's I Do I Do I Do Wedding Cake

First of all I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! I can't believe that a year has passed and it is now 2011! wow time sure flies when you are having fun :)

New Year for me is a time for reflection and thanksgiving. I feel so thankful for everything (good and bad) that has happened in the last years and hoping for better year ahead.

This new year for me feels a little quieter..maybe because my brother and his family went overseas so now it is just us and my parents.
However I did get the best present for New Year, I got a new nephew! he was born on 31st Dec..same birthday as my late grandfather. I wish to be able to go and see him but unfortunately when you have 2 little monkeys under 5..traveling long distance would not be such a good idea :)

The first week of 2011, I also have the opportunity to make Johnny and Willow's Wedding Cake.
They wanted to match the cake design with their invitation and I love the idea. They also wanted to put a vintage record disc of Abba, I Do I Do I Do, on top of the cake. Interesting..I thought..and different! love that idea too!

The wedding was on 6th Jan and I supposed to deliver the cake on the 5th. So I did finish the cake and asked my husband help me delivering the cake.
Half way to the venue, something unbelievably horrible happened! a nightmare of all bakers! I accidentally knocked over the cake!! didn't fall on the floor (thank God!) but it made a huge crack on the bottom tier and yes I had to remake the cake :(
Oh boy how I wanted to cry when that happened but I decided to smile about it and looked for the bright side. Firstly, thank God the wedding was on the next day! that means I got time to remake the cake. Secondly, the top tier was not injured. That means I could save it and just need to remake the bottom tier...yay..!

I can also say that I think I have the best husband in the world! he's been looking after the boys for 2 days without any complain and let me do my work.
Thank you so much're the best!
Anyways I managed to finish the cake and with my husband's help (again)..we delivered the cake safely on the wedding venue in one piece!
The I Do I Do I Do Cake completed with cake toppers, Johnny, Willow and Abbey the Dog.

Congratulations Johnny and Willow! With warmest wishes for the best in life as you both look forward to a shared future of love, friendship, and the wonderful closeness that is marriage.

Here is a Special Wedding Cake Recipe:

1/2 lb good looks
1lb sweet temper
1lb butter of youth
1lb blindness of faults
1lb of wit
1lb good humour
2lb of sweet argument
1 pint of rippling laughter
1 wine glass of common sense
a dash of modesty

Put the love good looks and a sweet temper into a well furnished house.
Beat the butter of youth into a cream,
and mix well together with the blindness of faults.
Stir the wit and good humour into the sweet argument
then add the rippling laughter and common sense.
Work the whole thing together until everything is well mixed,
and bake gently forever.


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