Magical pink fairy cake

Yes last week I came back from my 3 weeks holiday..I was a little sad knowing that holiday is now over and I had to be back to, laundry, cook, house chores here I come! 
On the week that I was back from my holiday, I was crazy enough to take a cake order (just because the order was for a fairy theme cake and I love making could I resist lol!)

So this is the cake I made...even though it felt like my creative juice was stuck and my body was still on jetlag...I thank God that the cake turned out quite pretty :)
Because I was sick for 2 days, the cake making had to be delayed to the last minute..thankfully, a good friend of mine was willingly to come and help me with the cake. She helped me made the flowers..I know it didn't sound like a lot of help, but it was! I thank God for good friend like her!

I hope you are enjoying your week so far..I can't believe that next week is October already! Time sure flies when you are having fun!

God bless!


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