Gorgeous Black and White Cake


This gorgeous cake is for a gorgeous girl who turned 17 last week. The birthday party was actually on Saturday. I have just been sooo busy lately that I only have time to post this today...as soon as my boy went down for his afternoon nap, I grabbed my MacBook and start uploading photos and typing away!


The gorgeous birthday girl has specifically requested a black and white birthday cake to match her black and white birthday party. She has also asked for a soft pink rose to go on the cake.

I have made few buttercream roses before but I never made a gum-paste rose. 
Surprisingly it was quite easy to make...the result was not that bad for my first gum-paste rose :) The one I used on this cake was my 2nd rose, the first one was way too big.
I think it could be better next time..definitely need more practice :)

After the busy week last week....yes it will be another busy week ahead. Few more cakes to bake for few more birthdays. I even forgot that it's my dad's birthday today! luckily I have my mum to remind me so I didn't forget to wish him a happy birthday when I met him this morning :)

I'm ending this post quickly now, so I can start baking his surprise birthday cake!


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