Three Special Birthday Cakes

Dark Chocolate Cake with Strawberry and Chocolate buttercream fillings.

Last Saturday I made three special birthday cakes for three special birthday parties that we were invited to. It was a very hectic week, 3 cakes to make..a sick little boy..and 3 parties to attend on the same day...I don't know how I manage to get through the week, but I did! :)

Here are the three cakes I made. The first cake is a dark chocolate cake with strawberry and chocolate buttercream fillings. This cake was specially made for my best friend and her cousin, they celebrated their birthday together. My bestfriend has her hair high lighted hot pink recently, so I thought I matched her hair colour with the cake colour theme. I thought they matched really well!

Scooby Do theme cake

The Scooby Do theme cake was for a special girl name Emily for her 5th birthday. She is my bestfriend's daughter and they actually share the same birth date. You see that's why there were few birthday parties to attend :)

Instead of fairies and castles, she loves Scooby Do. Her face expression when she saw the cake was priceless! She was really excited and happy! ...and then she told me that she loves me..aaaaw This is why I love making cakes :)

I love making someone's special day more special with beautiful cakes that I made and I feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to be a part of someone's special day.

My Little Ponies theme cake

Have a great week and happy baking!


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