Spring themed cake, mini cupcakes and cake pops

Howdy everybody! I am such in a good mood today!....This morning the weather is just beautiful, cloudy with a bit of sunshine...my kids are in their best behaviour...and also because today is my birthday! Yes today I am officially 33 years old! and yes I am making my own birthday cake. It sounds a little sad I know but I have been wanting to make a diabetic friendly birthday cake. 
It's a little project that I've been thinking a lot about it. So watch this space..I will post something soon!

Okay enough about me, let's talk about these scrumptious cakes. Last week was one of my busiest moments ever. A friend of mine asked me to make her 21st birthday cake and I was so excited about it. It was one of those "aaw" moments..I knew her since she was like 11 years old...the last time I saw her I think she was about 15 years old and I haven't seen her since. So when she contacted me and told me that she was turning 21, I just couldn't believe it. Has it been that long? my goodness..time sure flies!

Beside the cake, she also asked me to make four other dessert for her dessert table. After few discussion we decided to go with Oreo cake pops, red velvet mini cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting, lemon tarts and blueberry cheesecake brownies.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take photos of the brownies and lemon tarts. They got pick up before I got a chance to take the shots!

The party theme was light yellow with dark purple. So I tried to incorporate those colours into the cake design and the rest of the dessert as well. I was quite happy with the final result..but as always there were few things that could be better. Oh well.. got to learn to accept what I could not change hehe

Have a great rest of the week all and...Happy birthday to me!

Happy baking!


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